Thursday 30 April 2009


Payday payday payday...Oooooooooooooooooooh what a day :]
Tis payday today, didnt have much time to enjoy it as i was workin, but managed to get some much needed PHAT Headphones :]... Like Phat dowg s'all good yah know Oo

Ummm yeh off tomoz so gunna go out and spend some cash, get home and regret it. Will get me the 2nd Dresden book and *shrugs* do no what else will go look :]
Then few beers and games of pool with friend before retiring home and wishing i wasnt workin saturday :(
Adios [SackBaron]

Monday 27 April 2009

The Book is finihsed...

Finished a book last night, pretty much read all of it in one day which is a new achivement for me and i feel good about it :]
another 6 books in the series [The Dresden Files] to read oO
I get paid soon, which also means i get to buy some more manga yey :]
ding the FM.A seires at the mo and it good :] Though DeathNote is the best manga i have read so far *bows down to Deathnote*

On a less lighter note [See what i did there, twas bad wasn't it ...sorry :/]
My work Fecked up my hours and blamed it on me some how Oo
I r
eally need a new damn job :(
Adios [SackBaron]

Edit 30/04/09
Holy shite found out there 11 books in the Dresden series, and a 12th on the way next year.

Saturday 25 April 2009

See Yah Space Cowboy...

Well today wasnt really an eventful day, but good none the less :]
Spent most of it watching House and Cowboy bebop, few films here and there too
Bebop is just.... *sighs* :] [Third time watching the series]
Just Amazingly amazing. I think the thing that draws me to it the most is the music, and the progression of the story. Like the music the story itself is very slow, deep and full of sorrow. That series is like one giant blues song in motion :]

Hmmm Also,
Lets see tommorow i plan to read, will it actually happen? Who knows :/
Ye shall find out i guess
Adios [SackBaron]

Friday 24 April 2009

Ok Well ...

Lost count of how many blogs i have, and not really done that much but none the less
check out this one :]
Me and my mate post [or did, who knows still might] just random stuff bout games and films.
We even did a Podcast, but the file was too big to add it to a free hosting site :/

Anywho, lets see if i can keep this one goin. Figured if i keep things short might work.
Speaking of work, just found i got the next five days off which is damn good cus i have a cold.

Adios [SackBaron]

Giantbomb Endurance run Persona4
I figured it out, i know who the killer is
e's always there, Watching Oo