Monday 27 April 2009

The Book is finihsed...

Finished a book last night, pretty much read all of it in one day which is a new achivement for me and i feel good about it :]
another 6 books in the series [The Dresden Files] to read oO
I get paid soon, which also means i get to buy some more manga yey :]
ding the FM.A seires at the mo and it good :] Though DeathNote is the best manga i have read so far *bows down to Deathnote*

On a less lighter note [See what i did there, twas bad wasn't it ...sorry :/]
My work Fecked up my hours and blamed it on me some how Oo
I r
eally need a new damn job :(
Adios [SackBaron]

Edit 30/04/09
Holy shite found out there 11 books in the Dresden series, and a 12th on the way next year.

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