Sunday 21 June 2009

The Dresden Files, Dead Space and Mike...

Finished the second book [Fool Moon] quite awhile ago but due to the lack of money havn't been able to purchase the 3rd book Grave Peril ...Until now :] Not too far into it, but wow, The books seem to be getting darker. The discription and the things that are happening are alot more graphic than the first. Just finished reading a part where he is pulling out the spiritual barbed wire out of a possessed man. pulling them out of his kneck and all sorts. written so well, my mind went crazy with imagination :] Bought the 4th book aswell Summer knights but been told by quite a few people it not the best, and it didnt sound all that great i must admit :/

Ummm yeh, what else?
Been a
while since i've been on here. Being the Geek that i am, i am still writting my short story Rain,coffee and smiles and will post some more of that up soon. Also trying to achive the 1000points for Dead Space :] Also me and my friend did the old 'spray shaving gel on a guys hand and tickle his nose so he smears it all over himself' trick...twas fun and i recorded it so that will be up soon too. Sorry Mike :D
Well, Adios for now :]

Edit 21/06/09 : I have also become adicted to the 'Farm Town' Application on Face book...I want the small house ¬¬

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