Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Simple Goat...

This is a story, a simple story about a simple goat Now this simple goat was bored of life and didn’t care to much for his goat wife. a field he lived, near a river and some trees, with some not so friendly bee’s So one day eating grass, as goats do...right? but this simple goat was not one for crowds, so he would graise at night! So correcting myself i shall say, So one night eating grass, as this simple goat is known to do he caught sight of a boat on the river ‘Moo’
That name would always peeve the goats off, for they are far more ‘greater-er’ than Cows This simple goat ran. Ran through the patch of nettles and other pricklies with alot of ‘Oooh and Ow’s’
So this simple goat jumped and skipped and leapt with joy. Cus he knew [and there isn’t much he does know, poor bugger] He knew that soon he would be free.
To live life without a care. Shame though, that he hit that tree :/
Hours and minutes and seconds had past, didn’t matter to the goat he can’t count. He awoke from his slumber when upon his back a sharp pain, when a mouse did mount. ‘Run you dumb goat, no time to be lazy’ The mouse cried out.
‘Cant you see that things have gone crazy?!’
And crazy they where.
The grass blue and the sky was pink, on every tree there was a sink. And behind them stood the farmer, wearing his farmer’s wife’s underwear.
The goat was frozen, fear had stopped him, the farmer that was, a bastard named Tim.
Hunting was his fame. Best of the best, big and round with rosé red cheeks and pecks of steal that would put Schwarzenegger to shame. The farmer just laughted ‘dumb mouse, I got’s you now’. The shotgun now loaded with a ‘Clunk’ and a ‘Click’. The mouse stood tall [or as tall as a mouse can stand] and shouted ‘Fine, Bring it on dick!’


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