Tuesday 23 March 2010

Catch up...

Whoooops, yeah been awhile. Not that it really matters cus no one reads this anyway :D [now feels like he's talking to himself] h'ok first thing Drawing. Ain't drawn for awhile and felt i needed to feed the urge. The only thing that annoys me with this is that i did screw up the gun :/
Picture Title: Gun on Geisha

Secondly, i have a re-wrote the short story Rain Coffee And Smiles , and wanna thank the people for both the compliments and suggestions, hope this re-write works for you alittle better.

Finally, just finished the forth dresden book, Summer knight, twas a good book but i do feel like it is the weakest of the series so far. Payday soon *little dance of joy* so will most likly buy the 5th book then Adios for now, next time will try not to leave it so long

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