Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Dresden I know and like...

...He returns [yey] after a disappointing[ish] 4th book 'Summer Knight' Dresden is in full form in the 5th book Deah Masks, unfortunately i have to wait awhile before i can get the 6th due to lack of funds ¬¬
Nothing much has happened, kinda questioning myself as to why i decided to post this :/

Started reading another awsome series of books again ... The Dark Tower Seires by Stephen King.
There pretty awsome :]
But never finished it off so looking forward to its most likly intense conclustion.
Also i have written abit more to Rain Coffee and Smiles, so i will likly post the next chapter sometime this week :]

...ummmm yeah, that is all :]

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Yey for Rain, Coffee and Smiles

Ok so the story i have been writting Rain Coffee and Smiles, i decided to post the chapters onto a site storywrite.com,highly regarded and viewed. Within a day of posting the story i recieved my first comment.

''great description all through
this guy has a slightly sad life doesnt he?
what is the over all problem and plot?
well written. captures and keeps my attention.
the most important thing is the characters' reactions?
well, they seem realistic, though you might want to revise the paragraphing around the speach.
overall, good. message me when you post the next chapter''.

Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :]

Anywho you can check out the story here at storywrite.com

The story is not yet complete, i just have the first 3 chapters up [writting the 4th] and if yah wanna leave a comment good or bad please do :]
I dont mind if you rip it to shreds, just let me know what i could do to make it better.



Tuesday 23 March 2010

Rain Coffee and Smiles

The 3rd chapter is up, as well as the edited versions of the first two chapters, just wanna thank you guys for the compliments and suggestions, hope you like the changes. To get to them just hit This link

Catch up...

Whoooops, yeah been awhile. Not that it really matters cus no one reads this anyway :D [now feels like he's talking to himself] h'ok first thing Drawing. Ain't drawn for awhile and felt i needed to feed the urge. The only thing that annoys me with this is that i did screw up the gun :/
Picture Title: Gun on Geisha

Secondly, i have a re-wrote the short story Rain Coffee And Smiles , and wanna thank the people for both the compliments and suggestions, hope this re-write works for you alittle better.

Finally, just finished the forth dresden book, Summer knight, twas a good book but i do feel like it is the weakest of the series so far. Payday soon *little dance of joy* so will most likly buy the 5th book then Adios for now, next time will try not to leave it so long